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Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms and Timeline

woman sits on the floor in bedroom and leans against bed struggling with heroin withdrawal

Heroin addiction and withdrawal can be a difficult and painful experience for individuals and their loved ones. Some signs of heroin addiction may include cravings, loss of control over usage, and withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and muscle aches. If you or someone you know is struggling with heroin addiction in the Maryland area, MD M.A.T.T. can help.

Our Suboxone treatment for heroin withdrawal in Maryland is designed to support individuals going through heroin withdrawal and provide the tools necessary for a successful recovery. We understand that addiction is a complex condition, and our compassionate team of professionals is here to guide you every step of the way. Give us a call today at 410.816.9457 to learn more about Suboxone treatment for heroin addiction.

Understanding Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms

Heroin withdrawal can present an array of distressing symptoms, which are a direct response of the body in the absence of the drug. It’s essential to understand that severe heroin withdrawal can be fatal, underscoring the importance of seeking professional medical help.

Symptoms may vary in severity and duration, but common signs include:

  • Uncontrollable shaking or tremors
  • Intense cravings for the drug
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Restlessness and insomnia
  • Severe mood swings, including anxiety and depression

While these symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable and unsettling, it’s crucial to remember you’re not alone. There are supportive and compassionate care options available, such as Suboxone treatment in Maryland from MD M.A.T.T., which can help manage these symptoms and guide you through the withdrawal timeline safely.

Withdrawal Timeline: How Long Does Heroin Withdrawal Last?

The timeline for heroin withdrawal varies from person to person, largely dependent on individual factors such as length of use, dosage, method of use, and overall health status. However, a general timeline might look as follows:

24-48 Hours After Last Use

The initial onset of withdrawal symptoms typically starts within this timeframe. Individuals may experience muscle aches, teary eyes, runny nose, sweating, and insomnia.

Days 3-5

Symptoms often peak around this time, with individuals experiencing nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, and intense cravings.

After One Week

While physical symptoms may begin to subside after seven days, psychological symptoms like depression, anxiety, and cravings may continue.

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)

Some individuals may face PAWS, a longer-term withdrawal phase characterized by mood swings, anxiety, insomnia, and reduced energy. These symptoms can last several weeks to months, sometimes more than a year.

While this timeline might seem daunting, it’s a necessary path to recovery. Seek professional help and supportive care to manage the symptoms and mitigate the risks associated with heroin withdrawal.

Why Is It Important to Seek Professional Withdrawal Help?

The importance of seeking professional help during heroin withdrawal cannot be overstated. Heroin withdrawal can be a life-threatening process, with potential complications such as dehydration, aspiration, or even heart failure due to the intense physical strain. Can you die from heroin withdrawal? The answer, unfortunately, is yes, particularly without proper medical supervision.

During this challenging journey, professional help offers safety, medical assistance, and psychological support. These trained professionals can manage symptoms, reduce discomfort, and mitigate the risk of severe complications, guiding individuals to a sustainable recovery path. You don’t have to face this alone—reach out to MD M.A.T.T., who can help you navigate this challenging time.

Contact MD M.A.T.T. for Heroin Withdrawal Support

At MD M.A.T.T., we understand the complexities of heroin withdrawal and provide a compassionate approach to substance use treatment. Our Suboxone treatment in Maryland not only alleviates withdrawal symptoms but also addresses underlying issues and supports long-term recovery. Don’t wait any longer—call us today at 410.816.9457 to begin treatment or contact us online for more information about heroin withdrawal.